Last Friday I turned 26. Yikes. It was a great day. I woke up to the little pitter patters of three extra little ones. I watched my sisters kids from Wednesday to Saturday with a break for a birthday date with Ry. Ryan went and got McDonald's for me for breakfast and then was off to work. I went to Sugar house park with Jessica, Halle and Chelsea and ate

Went home to Tiffany's house and took a little nap. Then Ryan came home and we went on our first date alone since Jake was born we had an hour and a half dinner at

it was to die for yummy. Then we went and picked up Jake from Grandma and Grandpas, opened presents (Ryan got me this really cute coat he picked it out all by himself and I have to say I was impressed!)

and watched a redbox. It was a very nice day. Thank you all for your phone calls, texts, cards and gifts.
Happy birthday Care! Sounds like you had a great day! We can't wait to celebrate some more when we have our family birthday night. We love you!!
- Jake and Abby
Glad you had such a great day, even with the pitter-pattering!
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