I am pregnant with baby #1. We are so excited! I am 17 weeks and have had two amazing ultrasounds. Here are some pictures from the most recent one in which we found out it is a healthy little BOY! Now we just have to agree on a name. For now, introducing Baby Boy Simmons #1.

Uh...definitely a boy! I can't wait to meet the cute little guy!
Oh my gosh, Car, I'm so excited for you. Cam and I are going to be starting that soon. Then our babies can chill. Congrats and tell Ryan congrats too! Ash
Yay! How exciting is this? He is already a super darling little white smudge on the ultrasound! It was good to see you at G-pa's wedding...wierd.
Love you!
A BIG congrats to you!
Yeah Care! We are so excited for you!
Congratulations! That is very exciting. I love checking out your beautiful photography. Your little man will be so well documented with beautiful photography.
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